Sunday, August 27, 2006

earning from adsense

There are thousands of ads that say: "Earn $400 daily by doing nothing!". Is that possible? No, of course not! I agree that some people can earn $400 daily, but they surely do not surf or read mails.
If someone wants you to pay money to earn - that is scam.
So do you want to make some REAL money by doing ... something? Do you think that this money are not real? Well it seems quite real to me. I'll tell you that it's not as easy as autosurf sites promise, but it's real (and you don't need to pay anything to google).
First you'll need to develop a site. It's not necessary to buy hosting. There are so many free hosting servers - it's a good start. I know that more of you are familiar with web pages. If you've used autosurf sites you get referral url to promote. Then you develop web pages to say how much you did earn.
After your site is ready sign up for Google AdSense:

Yes, a friend of mine earned $202.46, but in what time? In August he had only $6.96. he wasn't really impressed. Anyway his site was just started. There were only a few visitors and search engines didn't index it yet. But look at the second month (September) - $54.99. he was happy that he could pay for his domain and hosting with his earnings.
When he reached $50 google sent a PIN code to check my address. I received it and I was really happy because I had something real, not just numbers on the screen - a letter from google (post letter, not email). he entered his pin code and google sent him cheque on Nov 28, 2005 - $202.46 real money.
I'll tell you some secrets to earn more money:
Most important is your site to have unique content! It's easy to steal the content from other sites, but you'll get cheaper advertisings. If you write articles you'll get much more money.
Do not use tricks to get better results in search engines. For example if you set the text color as background color (also known as cloacking) google will know about this and you'll get cheaper ads.
Google page rank measures the quality of your site. One of the best ways to get higher rank in google is to have many links to your site. You will get more earnings as many sites link to your site. But be careful - page rank of other sites that link to yours affect your rank too. You need links on sites with better page rank.
Most important: Do not cheat! Do not click on advertisments on your site or you will be busted.
That's all - real money from real company